Tuesday, 31 May 2016

InTune and management of different phones

Hey there all,

So the past wee while has seen me tooling around with some cool things. I have been exploring my musings with InTune a whole lot more, and now I am the proud owner of a couple of different phones. One is an older Apple iPhone 4s, the other is a Samsung Galaxy 4.  iOS and Android! Me! A bona fide Windows Fan Boi.

What can I report?

Adding both the new guys to my InTune management was a piece of cake. Simply adding my domain's email account to the phones was a piece of cake.

After doing that, I started to mess around with the remote wipes, each was done and each of the phones was totally factory reset with little or no surprise.

Once I had that all nice and stabilised, it was time to get into the process of applying apps to each of the devices. This has perhaps been the bigger learning curve for now, and I am still having a play. I'll write more when I have this properly nailed down, but I have learnt that while all free apps in Google Play are free apps, it would appear to not be the same with the Apple Store. In fact, so far (admittedly without much deep investigation) the only app I have deployed was Age of Empire, a game!  AND in order to get the iOS device managed properly, I had to create and import some certificates into InTune to progress. Apparently, I also have to learn about wrapping some apps in App policies (.xml) in order to have them apply.

As for the 'droid, I now have all the necessary tools that I have for my world. Strava, FitBit, and Training Peaks are all loaded against my phone. Plus a few worky things too.

This little post is just a teaser for now, but I am thoroughly enjoying all that InTune can offer.  At this point though, I would add that my current feel is that anyone looking to refresh their phone fleet, with a mind to managing the devices through InTune MDM, I would lean towards Windows Phone and Android.



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